Right, 3 1 parts, My School. Moustaches, and Gyeongju.
I made a lesson on shopping. There was an activity where the students had to guess the name of companies from a single letter. (Your probably thinking, 'Jesus you lazy bastard, get a real job', but it was way better than I'm describing it. I'll email it to anyone who wants it).
I began to feel bad, because I had to break the horrifying news to some students that McDonalds is not a Korean company. Or that Puma is from Germany. Some looked genuinely shocked. I almost felt like apologizing, which would have been ridiculous. I learned as much about Korean teenage boys as they did about where companies were from.

Also, the week before, I did a lesson on Tourism, with London as the location. I was considering Middlesbrough as the location, , replacing the Tower of London with the Transporter Bridge, Buckingham Palace with the Town Hall.
I could even replace the 'Ghost Tour -a magical bight time walk amongst the haunted streets of London' with 'beat-up-on-a-Saturday-night-outside-the-Hairy-Lemon-for-no-apparent -reason.' …..... the Queens Guards with Ray Mallons 'allegedly' corrupt policemen.
I say allegedly, as he was suspended on full pay (for 4 years!) for 'activities that could be construed as criminal conduct". I love this quote. This could basically mean anything from taping songs off the radio to a killing spree. Anyway, after the 4 years he quit and ran for mayor, and won.
Then again, London elected Boris Johnson, so maybe it's a mayor thing.
Anyways, I digress. For fun, the students had to name the 5 teams from London in the Premier League.
No prizes for the first name shouted;
'ManchesterUnitedParkJeSung!' (Apparently the full name over here)
'No, Bolton is a another city in northern England'. (Draws Bolton on map)
'No. Manchester City and Manchester United are from the same place. (Points at Manchester)
They have started showing Scottish football on the TV, as there's a couple of Koreans keeping Celtics bench warm. I'll leave my thoughts on that for another time. I will say this though, they won't be positive.
I was talking to my students in class the other day, and one had almost a pained expression on his face. So, naturally, I asked him if he was hurting. Was he sick?
'Sausage water.'
Another student translates for him,
'Teacher, he needs to use the bathroom.'
The thing is, it kind of makes sense!
You know what, I'm going to leave the moustache blog. I fear it's totally irrelevant to this blog, and completely pointless. The only reason why I wanted to write it is because I love facial hair.
I'm also going to leave the Gyeongju blog until next time, it's too long. However, unlike the moustache story, it is relevant. You never know, it might even interest some people. I even remembered to take my camera. Although I did leave it on a bus. But then I ran after the bus and got it back again. Result!
For those of you who can't wait, (theres at least 4 people, including my Dad) heres a little morsel to keep you excited about the next story....
Gyeongju has nice bread.
One last thing, I found this online (again, in my free time, and ONLY after ALL my lessons were FULLY prepared.)
This is what I imagine a fight would be like between me and a Korean, except the sizes would be reversed. I love this video.
So there you have it, some 'scraps for the masses' for you all, as my aquatic friend suggested.
Now leave me alone, or I'll write about moustaches!